With the break in the school year, many families find themselves moving during the holidays. Moving on its own can be a stressful time, so moving during the holidays can be especially challenging. We want your holiday season to be joyful, even if you are moving. Here are some quick tips to help you to have a special holiday, even if you find yourself far from home.

1.       Find a festive place to stay. If you will be in a hotel over the holidays, try to stay in a place that is planning a holiday celebration.


2.       Bring holiday spirit with you. If you have room in your car, pack some of your favorite holiday decorations and use them in your hotel room. For example, stockings pack easily and can help make a hotel room feel more like home.


3.       Ship your gifts. Shopping for Christmas gifts online might be your easiest option this year. Have them shipped to where you will be staying so that you don’t have to worry about taking them with you. If there is an option to have the item giftwrapped, this might be a good idea as well. This way, you won’t have to dig through moving boxes to try to find scissors, tape, etc.


4.       Pick your favorite holiday traditions and do them anyways! Whether it’s going to church or reading a special story on Christmas Eve, everybody has their own favorite traditions. Despite being on the move or in a new place, try to carry out a few of your traditions this year. It will help to keep you grounded despite all of the changes going on around you.


5.       Begin a new holiday tradition. This is a great year to step out of the box and try something new. Rather than staying home, go out to dinner on Christmas Eve or check out a local holiday concert. You might find that you like it enough to do it again in the coming years, even when you are settled.


6.       Stay connected: With the latest technology, it is easier than ever to stay in touch with friends and family. Video chats are a great way to “see” family during the holidays. Although it is not as good as actually being together, seeing family and friends over the internet/ phone is a great way to feel close to them despite the distance.


7.       Don’t forget to budget: Both moving and the holiday season can be expensive times. Make sure to keep an eye on your budget to keep financial stress at bay.


8.       Have a good attitude: The holidays are meant to be filled with peace and joy. Remember to keep the spirit of the holidays with you, regardless of where you find yourself celebrating. 
If you are in the midst of a move this holiday season, please let us know if there is any way that we can make this time easier for you. No matter where you find yourself this Christmas, we hope that it is full of love and joy! Merry Christmas from all of us here at Sorensen Mayflower!