Couple taking a break by walking through the woodsWhile moving can be an expected part of life, it can sometimes be challenging emotionally. You may leave your familiar surroundings, social network, or even a house you love. Being mindful of your emotional wellness during the transition is vital when facing a residential move. Check out a few tips to help you manage your well-being amid an emotionally stressful move.

1. Make sure you have a sound support system in place.

While moving may entail leaving some people behind, having a sound support system will still be necessary. If you are struggling with moving emotionally, make some room in your schedule to spend time with friends and loved ones.

Social support makes individuals more resilient and move forward despite hardships. Therefore, having a few close loved ones to connect with while you relocate may be an excellent way to enhance your outlook and make you feel more at ease with the life change.

2. Keep tabs on your emotional state and signs of distress.

In some cases, working through a lot of tasks will take a toll on your mental health, but you may not notice due to having to go through the motions. In the middle of a move, if symptoms emerge associated with stress, anxiety, or other mental issues, pay attention. This may mean you must take time, step away, or even talk to someone.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, a few signs to watch for include:

  • Excess fear or worry
  • Extra sadness or low mood
  • Irritability or feeling angry
  • Changes in eating and sleeping habits
  • Mood swings
  • Abusing substances
  • Withdrawing socially

3. Take time for self-care.

Self-care is so important during a move. You likely have a lot of to-dos on your checklist, but make sure taking time for yourself is an item at the top. Self-care may mean something as simple as taking time away from packing to do a bit of yoga or simply taking a break to do something you enjoy, like walking or reading a book.

4. Reach out to a therapist to help.

If you are feeling emotionally overwhelmed about the move or you experience symptoms of mental distress, don’t hesitate to talk to a therapist or counselor. Sometimes, talking through the emotions you are experiencing can make a drastic difference in your outlook. Further, a therapist can help you learn new coping mechanisms when a particular aspect of the move especially stresses you.

5. Create a plan to stay on schedule.

Without question, moving takes a lot of work. The more you feel like you are progressing through the process, the less likely you will feel overwhelmed with everything there is to do.

Before the move, create a detailed moving checklist; even consider building the list around a schedule or timeline. This process will help you mentally prepare for what needs to be done and give you a sense of accomplishment as you work.

Need Professional Moving Support?

We get it—moving can be a challenge. Allow our team to help with the logistics of moving your belongings from place to place so you can focus on yourself. Contact us today for a free quote.