The holidays have come and gone and the New Year is here. As a start to the New Year, we would like to recognize our very valuable employees here at Sorensen Allied Moving and Storage. We would also like to recall the many successful charitable events that we have had the honor to be a part of.
Each year, Sorensen Allied Moving and Storage recognizes its top performers. Every employee is an asset to the company and without each employee, Sorensen Moving & Storage would not be the successful company it is today. There are a few employees who stood out in 2011 and were recognized and honored at the annual Christmas party.
2011 Sorensen Allied Moving and Storage Employee Awards
Founders Award: Johnny Lanteigne, General Manager of Sorensen Trade Show Services
Biggest Impact Award: Gene DeVellis, Operations Manager of Sorensen Moving & Storage
Employees of the Year: Lisa Brocker, staff employee and Kevyn Thomas, production employee
Salesperson of the Year: Clyde Bishop
Best Long Haul Driver: Brent LeBlanc
Best Local Driver: Andy Zampini
Best Packer: Jules Scott
Best SOS/O&I Movers: Charles Schoener and Tom Jost
Best Helper: Luis Melendez
Best Corporate Movers: Dave Martel and Fred Bock
Best Corporate Drivers: Jim Twomey and James Carroll
Best New Employees: Sharon Munch, staff employee and Dennis Dolan, production employee
Most Improved Employee: Anthony Veloce, production employee
Most Reliable Employees: Catherine Walsh, staff employee and Charlie Buckley, production employee
Best Attitude Awards: Kyle Selby, staff employee and Antonio Cintron, production employee
Most Versatile Employees: Jessica Henderson, staff employee and Mike Spainhour, production employee
Charity has always been a very important aspect of Sorensen Allied Moving and Storage. Giving to our community is not an obligation due to our success, it is our honor, and we are very proud to provide charitable contributions of money, services, and time to our community.
In 2011, Sorensen Allied Moving and Storage donated over $30,000 to the following organizations. Children Home Societies’ Portrait of Possibilities, Scott Center for Autism’s Evening of Hope III, Boy Scouts of America, Junior Achievement of the Space Coast’s Business Hall of Fame, The Haven’s Annual Golf Tournament, March of Dimes – March for Babies, Brevard’s Annual Jamboree and the Sentinels of Freedom Annual Fundraising Dinner.
We also volunteered over 150 hours of man power for Habitat for Humanity, Florida Today’s Reaching Out Program, Extreme Makeover Project in Brevard, March of Dimes – March for Babies, Festival of Trees and the ABC Bike Run.
We plan to continue our charitable contributions throughout 2012 and look forward to many successes throughout the year.
Please don’t hesitate to visit our website in order to learn more about the services we can provide to you or your company, as we service local, out of state, corporate, and commercial moves.
You can also reach us toll free at 1-800-926-2770 with any questions regarding our moving services.