Clearly communicating with your Sorensen relocation specialist is essential to an easy move. It’s all in the details, so we’re not sure it’s possible to overshare when it comes to moving.
Below are a few things to consider when planning your move with your relocation specialist.
1. Property Access and Knowledge
Most moving companies are willing to come to your home and assess moving logistics and quote you an estimate, free of charge. However, if you’re moving across the country, your moving specialist will need to ask you a lot of questions over the phone, and may even require photos, so they can more accurately gather information about your needs. Are you moving to a city that requires permits? Can the driveway accommodate a large truck? What do the neighborhood roads look like? Be prepared to answer a lot of questions when you schedule a face-to-face meeting with your moving rep to discuss logistics for both properties.
2. Keep Your Moving Inventory Up-To-Date
Based on the run-down you give your relocation specialist, your initial meeting concludes with an household moving inventory sheet and estimate. This moving inventory is given to the driver who usually will not accept additional items onto the truck unless they are approved prior to moving day. If you change your mind about moving any items, especially appliances, contact your moving representative as soon as possible. If you fail to communicate changes in your inventory, a driver may refuse items that are not on the list.
3. Give Reliable Contact Information
Make sure your moving company has your current contact information, your spouse’s contact info, your mother’s info- someone you trust. For whatever reason, if your delivery driver cannot contact you or someone on file the day of the move, the company may be forced to put your items into storage. This unfortunate occurrence is easily avoidable, so remember to keep your moving company updated with changes, or give them multiple phone numbers.
4. Don’t be Afraid to Speak Up!
Just like your moving specialist, you will want the most information possible! Ask questions about what to expect moving forward in the process. Schedule more meetings if you feel you need to and solidify dates if you can. Ask your moving company about truck tracking, moving insurance, and how they will protect and package your belongings.
Don’t be afraid to ask for a binding estimate! The initial price you receive can change based on finalized truck weight and other factors like elevator/stair fees. To avoid frustration and budget concerns later down the road, get the most accurate estimate possible for your moving costs prior to finalizing your move with a company. Make sure you fully understand the services they are offering you, and communicate your needs clearly.
Lastly, make sure to discuss your expectations and any special requests you may have with your relocation specialist prior to committing to avoid any surprises or unforeseen challenges that might cost you and the moving company unnecessary angst.
To learn more about what moving services Sorensen Moving & Storage can provide, call us toll free at 1-800-926-2770 or simply complete the free, no hassle quote request on the right. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about local, out of state, corporate, and commercial moves.