With Hurricane Matthew approaching fast, we know that our community is worried about protecting their properties and families. Living on the coast, we all know it’s always better to listen to the weather advisory and be ready, so we at Sorensen have started a list of things you might want to grab. Some of them are staples, but a few are ones you should consider…just in case the worst happens.

  • Non-Perishable/Canned Goods- Don’t forget about food for pets too!
  • Water
  • Sandbags– If you’re close to that waterline, you might want these against your entry ways or to lay them down to direct water away from your house.
  • Hurricane Shutters – Tape your windows, and place shutters or boards in the days before you expect high wind and rain.
  • Cash
  • Batteries – Grab a few packs in different sizes than the standard ones, just in case.
  • Flashlight or Candles – Flashlights are great, but thick candles give a steady light to a larger area. Have both handy, and don’t forget to grab extra matches too!
  • Baby Wipes- These come in handy. Consider getting a value pack, because we often don’t realize how much water we use everyday until we don’t have it! They’re good for wiping down everything, even for an initial clean of dirty dishes.
  • Battery-Powered Radio – Keep yourself updated on weather/news announcements. Plus music helps reduce stress!
  • Tarp/Plastic Sheeting – It’s always a good idea to keep waterproof blankets on hand, just in case you need to protect something unforeseen.
  • Strong Packing Tape/ Duct Tape – Good for a quick fix, strong tape will help seal anything or hold down your plastic sheeting. You want this laying around for surprising emergencies.
  • Gasoline– if you’re lucky enough to have a generator, have a few extra gallons of gas in the garage or well protected under a tarp in the backyard shed.
  • Large Cooler and (Dry?) Ice – You want to minimize opening your fridge if you lose power, so the things you reach for constantly on a normal day should go into the cooler for easy access. Deli meats, eggs, and anything grill-able, should go in the cooler. Consider getting a block of dry ice if you can, as it will last longer and you won’t need to worry as much about restocking.
  • Kiddie Pool or Clean Buckets– In case your area loses power for more than a couple days, this is a great way for collecting water to flush toilets, clean dishes, etc. Bottled water can get scarce, and you can take the time to boil collected rain water if you need it for anything else.
  • Charcoal or backup propane tank – Grilling is the best way to stay fed if you lose power, especially when you’re sick of eating non-perishable canned foods. Gas can also get scarce so refill ASAP before the storm, or consider buying a small camp stove with a box of propane cans. Make sure you have cookware that is safe for those temperatures, like cast iron!
  • Medications– Gather your refills from the pharmacy if possible, and contain all medications for the whole family (even pets!) in a large tupperware to make sure they stay dry- next to the first aid kit is a good spot to keep it.


We always hope that these storms will pass without causing too much damage and stress, but it doesn’t hurt to be prepared just in case. Give your property a once over- look for damaged tree branches that you can cut off, cover your cars and bikes, clean and secure your gutters to prevent leaks or roof damage. Remember to unplug major electronics, take pictures of your home and any major valuables, make sure important insurance and home owning papers are sealed in a weatherproof safe or plastic bags, and discuss emergency plans in case of evacuation. Here is a PDF of Brevard’s Evacuation Routes for 2016. Above all else please keep yourselves, your family, and your pets safe by remaining calm, and staying indoors during the height of the storm.


Best Wishes,

Your friends at Sorensen