The kitchen. It’s home to tons of small items, along with so many breakables, like fine china and glassware. No wonder it’s usually considered the worst room to pack.
From avoiding common kitchen-packing woes to handling odds and ends, stay sane, effective and organized by learning how to pack your kitchen correctly with this handy checklist.
Tool Up.
So, how do you pack your kitchen? A painless, efficient packing experience starts with the right supplies. For the average kitchen, consider the following a good rule of thumb when packing your kitchen.
- 20 Boxes (5 Large, 10 Medium, 5 Heavy Duty)
- Cell Kits (5-10)
- Newspaper
- Bubble Wrap
- Markers
- Labels
- Packing/Sealing Tape
Sort Like You Mean It.
Once you have the basic packing supplies, it’s time to start sorting. This means deciding on what to and what not to pack. Allowing yourself to be selective in what items you take versus leave behind is a key essential in how to pack your kitchen correctly. Think about the kitchen space of where you’re moving. If your new kitchen is smaller with limited cupboard and pantry space, you’ll probably need to leave some stuff behind. Also consider the weight-versus-cost-to-move ratio for each item. While some things are cheaper to move than replace, others are expensive to move—but even more expensive to purchase. One thing you probably want to include? Spices, which are super light, collected over a long period and a bummer to replace. What you should likely leave behind? Canned goods. Cleaning supplies. Plus, pretty much everything in your junk drawer.
Pack Items Not Frequently Used.
Help de-clutter both your kitchen and your mind by packing items you intend to keep, but aren’t likely to need in the interim. Examples of non-essentials to box up early on include:
- Cookbooks
- Waffle makers and other small appliances
- Wall hangings
- Fancy serving platters
Group Together Odds And Ends.
While it may be tempting to blindly throw everything into a box, a little foresight can save you a lot of frustration once it’s time to unpack. Start by making sure to group up odds and ends that go together. Whether that means designating a shoebox for dishcloths and oven mitts, or wrapping a rubber band around special utensils, like tongs, ladles, and spatulas, it’s great to keep the items you associate together in one place.
Tackle Consumables.
When packing your kitchen, start by sorting through items in sealed glass bottles such as wine, liquor, specialty cooking oils, etc., and pack whatever you don’t anticipate opening pre-move. (Cell kits are also great for packing glass bottles, as well as wine glasses and other kitchen breakables.) Next go through your pantry, fridge and freezer. Toss out anything past the expiration date, as well as opened perishables, and donate unwanted goods to your local food bank. When in doubt, remember to consider the weight of an item and ask yourself if it’s worth the cost of moving it.
Prepare Large Appliances.
Packing your kitchen doesn’t stop with just food items and cookware. Failure to prepare your appliances can result in everything from broken equipment to serious hazards, like gas leaks. At least 24 hours before your move, properly prepare your large appliances by reading the manuals and acting accordingly. If you’re unsure of any preparation requirements, be sure to call the manufacturer, your utility company, or the appropriate contractor.
Need additional help on packing your next kitchen? Call Sorensen Moving & Storage or fill out our hassle free form to receive a free a quote today!